A Board Driven Declaration!

To call this a blog post would be offensive to the bloggers that have committed and continue maintaining an actual blog.   I’d say this “post” is more of a declaration.

I can say with regret that I typically don’t follow through with personal commitments (specifically those that impact my well-being).  On the flip side, in my professional life if I make a commitment I will always meet or exceed my goal.   Therein lies the reason behind this “post”.

I have been searching for a good work / life balance, hoping to walk in someones shoes to see how they excel professionally while being a good mom, wife, daughter and friend.  I envision walking the pristine halls of someone house (no mail in site, certainly not in a pile on the kitchen table, no laundry waiting to be folded) and admiring their recent pedicure and adorable kids eating a home cooked meal.  Just a few of the many commitments I seem to have side-stepped while exceeding my expectations as a non-profit professional beyond what I envisioned.

In high school I was a really good soccer player.  I played for the NY state team,  on a travel team .. I even turned down a few opportunities to play in college.  And once I left for UMass, the furthest thing from my mind was exercise.  15 years later and it shows.  

We are adding a new event to the Junior Achievement of NJ calendar, introduced and encouraged by two of our Board Companies.  As a non-profit professional, I don’t really have the opportunity to walk in the shoes of our supporters and join an event as a participant.  Along with the opportunity to gain some insight into the perspective from our supporters and raise funds for an organization I am truly passionate about, I have committed to the two Board Companies (Accenture and Verizon) that I will be running in the 5k that they have so graciously initiated.

At this point in my life and my career, my work/ life balance isn’t exactly admirable …however, I do know my limitations.  Quite seriously if I don’t make this commitment, it will affect me in both my professional and personal life.  We all know the saying, when we are not happy with ourselves…

And so there it is…. I’m tipping the scales a little in both directions as I declare to run and complete the 5k Harvest Hustle on October 2nd, 2010.   Thank you Accenture and Verizon for supporting JANJ with an event that will not only impact the youth of NJ, but me personally!

For those of you who are local, I hope you will join me in the JANJ 5k (walk or run) Fundraiser

Your support is greatly appreciated (via motivation or donation)! 

Proceeds from the event will help support JANJ’s  financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship programs for NJ students.  More information on JANJ and how you can get involved can be found here.

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